The Pupil Premium Grant funding is allocated to schools on the grounds of family income and entitlement to Free School Meals (FSM). The grant enables school to support all our pupils and families in a range of ways beyond simply providing free school meals.
It has become apparent that not all parents who have a child eligible for Free School Meals has made an application. If eligible, your child does not have to take free school meals but may benefit in other ways. The Parent’s Guide to Pupil Premium leaflet below provides a summary of eligibility and what the grant is used for. Please check the eligibility criteria and come to talk to us in confidence if you would like more information.
Alternatively, you can ask to speak to Mrs Mitchell (PPG school lead) or Mrs Kennedy (Office Manager) who can assist you in your application.
This is our school’s three-year strategy outlining how the PPG funding is to be used to provide the best education for our disadvantaged pupils. The plan is reviewed annually by leaders and governors and updated accordingly.